National Executive Council Lifts Moratorium on Rabaul Town

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape announced today that the National Executive Council (NEC) meeting in Kokopo on Wednesday night has approved the uplift of the moratorium on Rabaul town and surrounding areas to allow for business growth and development.

The moratorium has been in place since the twin volcanic eruptions of Tavurvur and Vulcan on September 19, 1994, which displaced over 100,000 people.

“The NEC has approved K10 million to assist the East New Britain Provincial Government in efforts to clear up ashes and reopen Rabaul, but we are mindful it will cost more than that,” Prime Minister Marape said.

“K3 million will support Rabaul District’s work with the Lands Department to issue land titles to all those displaced during resettlement.

“The Kokopo meeting also approved an initial funding of K5 million for a study on the full costing of town restoration and a K50 million initial funding envelope for the reopening of the port and other associated service facilities.

“A committee of Ministers, headed by Minister Lelang, will oversee the full work of costing and restoration, working closely with the East New Britain Provincial Government.

“Initial studies show that a functional Rabaul Port will generate $2 billion annually, not only for East New Britain and New Guinea Islands, but for the whole country.

“We look forward to making Rabaul come back to full life.”