Anti-Fraud, Anti-Corruption and Whistleblower Protection Policy
Fraud and Corruption within the Department of Prime Minister and National Executive Council (DPM&NEC) is evident and deep-rooted, occurring in numerous forms. Evidence abounds that the Department continues to encounter incidences of fraud and corruption adversely affecting the attainment of its Mission, Vision and Core Functions.
DPM&NEC is the Premium Department of the Government. The PM&NEC Act of 2002
mandates the Department to provide and coordinate strategic policy advice to the Prime
Minister and other relevant key stakeholders. In the course of executing and administering its core functions and responsibilities, the Department has a duty to prevent, minimize or
eliminate fraud and corruption.

The Anti-Fraud, Anti-Corruption and Whistleblower Protection (AAWP) Policy sets out the
Department’s commitment to combat fraud and corruption. It aims to provide a strategic
direction to strengthen the existing risk, legal and institutional framework for combating fraud and corruption, protect whistleblowers and guide Senior Management in the fight against fraud and corruption. In line with that, this policy document hereby declares that DPM&NEC has a ZERO-TOLERENCE stance to all forms of fraud and corruption both from within the Department and from external sources.
The Department is committed to an effective Anti-Fraud and Anti-Corruption culture, by
promoting high ethical standards and encouraging the detection and prevention of fraudulent and corrupt activities. Any proven acts of fraud and corruption will be dealt with in a consistent and proportionate manner. Appropriate sanctions and redress will be pursued against anyone perpetrating, or seeking to perpetrate fraud or corruption against the Department.
The AAWP Policy must not be read and interpreted in isolation from all related Laws and Regulations that have already been established.

The Purpose of the AAWP Policy is mainly to:
- Ensure that the Department is protected against Fraud and Losses;
- Create an Anti-Fraud and Anti-Corrupt Culture which highlights the Department’s ZERO-TOLERENCE of Fraud and Corruption;
- Provide a best practice “Counter-Fraud & Corruption” Service which:
3.1 Proactively deters, prevents and detects Fraud and Corruption;
3.2 Investigates suspected or detected Fraud and Corruption;
3.3 Enables the Department to apply appropriate sanctions for the recovery of losses; and
3.4 Provides appropriate recommendations to improve systems and processes, thereby reducing the Department’s exposure to Fraudulent and Corrupt activities. - Encourage employees to report in good faith suspected, actual or planned Fraud and Corruption;
- Provide procedures for reporting Fraud and Corruption;
- Ensure reported information is timely and thoroughly investigated with the appropriate
investigative expertise and resources; - Ensure confidentiality of the whistleblower’s identity and reported information;
- Protect employees who report improprieties in good faith from suffering occupational detriment;
- Provide remedies to employees who suffer occupational detriment having made reports on fraud and corruption.

The Anti-Fraud, Anti-Corruption and Whistleblower Protection (AAWP) the Department’s combat

Form A – Written Complaint
Zero Tolerance Policy against Fraud and Corruption. All Fraud an d Corrupt Conduct must be
Reported, Investigated, Punished and Losses Recovered

Zero Tolerance Policy against Fraud and Corruption. All Fraud an d Corrupt Conduct must be
Reported, Investigated, Punished and Losses Recovered.

Zero Tolerance Policy against Fraud and Corruption. All Fraud an d Corrupt Conduct must be
Reported, Investigated, Punished and Losses Recovered.