Prime Minister Hon. James Marape is calling on Correctional Service Commissioner Bernard Nepo and Minister for Correctional Services Hon. Joe Kuli to look into seriously revitalising the Correctional Services sector of Papua New Guinea.

Prime Minister Marape, in a meeting today with the Minister and Commissioner or Correctional Services at Sir Manasupe Haus, acknowledged the importance of enabling effective and efficient service delivery in the field of Correctional Services, as this is where rehabilitation of individuals’ lives truly place and so has to be given the attention and assistance that it deserves.

“It is of vital importance that the Correctional Service sector is given the sup- port it truly deserves, as the work of the Courts system and other Law and Order agencies would be in vain if the prison facilities and the rehabilitation programmes attached to them are not in good order,” stated the Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Marape encouraged the new Correctional Service Commissioner Nepo to drive effective rehabilitation programmes for prisoners through Church-based rehabilitation, skills development and training and Small Business development.

He also emphasised the need for increasing the capacity for prison facilities around the country to cater for the large numbers of prisoners in the various categories.

PM Marape said his government is adamant in supporting the Correctional Ser vice industry to change lives for the better, to enable a safer and prosperous Papua New Guinea that upholds good, positive values for living.

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