Prime Minister Hon. James Marape has commended Esa’ala MP and Pangu Pati member Hon. Jimmy Maladina for his proactive approach in fostering development within his district. The Prime Minister expressed his appreciation during the inauguration of several impactful projects in Esa’ala, initiated by MP Maladina and the District Development Authority (DDA) on Friday, June 23, 2023.

Among the notable projects are the K5.1 million Esa’ala Fish Market and Jetty, nine newly constructed Police houses, the Esa’ala Community Development Center, and the K5 million Esa’ala Solar Hybrid Project implemented through the Government’s Rural Electrification Programme.

Prime Minister Marape commended MP Maladina and the DDA for their prompt implementation of service delivery, forging partnerships with government agencies including the National Fisheries Authority (NFA), Kumul Consolidated Holdings (KCH), PNG Power Ltd (PPL), Department of Community Development, and the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary.

During the inauguration of the fish market and jetty, Prime Minister Marape fondly recalled his campaign alongside Maladina during the 2022 National General Election, where they discussed the restoration of the Esa’ala Jetty.

“Today, in collaboration with the NFA, we are gathered here for the official opening of these remarkable facilities,” stated Prime Minister Marape.

Furthermore, Prime Minister Marape expressed his gratitude to the NFA and urged them to consider establishing a cold storage facility similar to the one in Manus, which would greatly benefit the people of Esa’ala.

Addressing the inauguration of the Police houses, Prime Minister Marape emphasised that the allocation of resources by the government to districts and provinces is based on their respective needs. It is then the responsibility of the districts to allocate resources according to government policies and priorities, adhering to the procurement processes outlined in the Public Finance Management Act.

During the launch of the Solar Hybrid Project, Prime Minister Marape emphasised its significance, as Esa’ala Station serves as the nerve center of the district.

“In addition to the Esa’ala District, approximately 90 electrification projects are currently underway throughout PNG,” stated Prime Minister Marape.

He further highlighted that with the allocation of resources to the DDAs from provincial governments, districts can identify and address their specific needs, as exemplified by the progress in Esa’ala.

“By identifying priorities, the Esa’ala DDA can engage reliable contractors and procure contracts to ensure the delivery of essential services to our people,” added Prime Minister Marape.

Acknowledging the critical role of regular electricity supply for the effective operation of public servants, Prime Minister Marape applauded MP Maladina and the DDA for allocating K1 million from district funds, supplemented by K4 million from Kumul Consolidated Holdings (KCH), to electrify Esa’ala.

“The Government recognises and appreciates your foresight in recognising the importance of providing electricity to Esa’ala District,” stated Prime Minister Marape.

He reassured the districts and provinces that the National Government stands ready to support their initiatives.