The National Government has pledged continued financial support for students or recipients of the government’s Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) curriculum scholaship program.

Prime Minister James Marape said this when farewelling 76 students from the country’s Schools of Excellence who received STEM scholarships to study at selected universities in the United States. The farewell event took place on Sunday night (11/08/24) at the Hilton Hotel in Port Moresby.

PM Marape said Papua New Guinea needs a highly qualified and educated populace and a workforce as the world is becoming revolutionized with innovations in science and technology, engineering, and fields related to mathematics.

Prime Minister Marape said the STEM scholarship initiative will create space for other Grade 12 school leavers in the country as the National Government embarks on sending top performing students in these fields overseas for further studies.

The Schools of Excellence was initiated by Prime Minister Marape when he was the Minister for Education in 2009 as spaces in tertiary institutions and colleges were less than 6,000 when over 10,000 students were graduating and leaving school every year

Mr Marape encouraged the 76 STEM scholarship recipients to do their best in their studies and be good ambassadors of PNG.

“The first batch of 43 students who went to certain universities in the US have done well in their first semester examinations with some receiving the President’s awards, this is good news for our country’s education system and the STEM scholarship program.

“This second batch to the US, we are looking forward to the same success. We will stay with you every step of the way and continue to support you. The government will increase the support via the annual national budget.

“I encourage you all as your Prime Minister to abstain from drugs, going out to parties but study hard. I appeal to you all not to smoke and consume alcohol but to focus on your education.

“This is a golden opportunity, and it comes once in a person’s lifetime, so I encourage you all to embrace it. I also want to encourage the Education department to continue with this program. I encourage you to never leave your God,” said Prime Minister Marape.

The Prime Minister advised the recipients that they carry the hopes and aspirations of PNG and their tribesmen and women.

“I want you to complete your studies well and either find employment opportunities back in the States and/or come back with an open mind as Papua New Guineans. Our first 43 students in the US did well and have set a benchmark for us all already. We encourage you to follow their footsteps and do better,’’ he said.

The National Department of Education’s Measurement Services Unit (MSU) does the selection based on individual student’s performance and their final national examination results. They are selected from all the national schools of excellence offering the STEM courses. Thus, the chances of bias are eliminated.

Secretary for Education Dr Uke Kombra, when speaking at the farewell, said the scholarship program takes students from right across the country purely on merit and not from well to do and or rich parents.

He said that as long as the child has the talent, the department sends them with the aim to “make anybody somebody”.

Secretary Kombra thanked the Marape-Rosso Government for supporting and funding the STEM Program, adding that the program is second to none.

“Prime Minister Marape, let me on behalf of the Education Department and the scholarship recipients, teachers, guardians, and parents say that your funding for TESAS is over K600 million and your commitment is well honored. Let me, on behalf of all in Education, say thank you.

“The National Government funding covers airfares, accommodation, course fees and living allowances to the recipient’s worth over K20 million,” said Secretary Kombra.

The Education Department says in the first batch, 30 students went to India, 43 to the US, and this time now 76, with another 50 being processed for studies in China soon.

Prime Minister Marape, on a very positive note, said Australia also has the STEM curriculum at its schools in Australia.

“That is a plus, and for the first time ever for any other foreign developed country to copy the curriculum developed by Papua New Guinea for its schools is great news.

Prime Minister Marape said that shows that the PNG STEM curriculum is top- class and at a very high international standard and benchmark.

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