Prime Minister Hon. James Marape Inaugurates New Primary School in Lilo Village

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape today officiated at the opening of the James Marape Primary School located in Lilo Village, Goilala, Central Province. Constructed at a total cost of K1.7 million, the funding for this project was sourced from K1 million provided by the National Government and K700,000 contributed by the Goilala District Development Authority. The funds were utilised to establish the school building and accommodations for staff.

The Prime Minister honored the memory of the late Goilala MP and Pangu Pati stalwart, William Samb, attributing the school’s conception to his initiative. Prime Minister Marape praised current Goilala MP, Hon. Casmiro Aia, for his dedication to advancing education in this secluded district. His first visit to Lilo in 2021 alongside the late Samb marked the groundbreaking ceremony of the school.

“Knowledge is power, and education is the key to success. This is a very auspicious moment for the people of Lilo, Tapini, and Goilala District. Although only K1 million was what your government allocated for this school construction project, you didn’t say it was not enough. You rose to the occasion and built a wonderful primary school here,” stated Prime Minister Marape.

He commended the school’s motto ‘Leaving No Child Behind in Education’, expressing gratitude towards local contractor Humaira Vision for constructing a splendid educational facility bearing his name.

“It is only fitting that we engage our very own local contractors to take on such projects, and I applaud you for a job well done,” the Prime Minister remarked.

He highlighted that the construction was completed through the relentless efforts of combined district, provincial, and national leadership.

“The contractor has performed an outstanding job with just a small portion of funding. Despite the high cost of service delivery, the contractor successfully completed six classrooms, an administrative building, two permanent staff residences, and is actively constructing additional houses.

“It warms my heart when we invest in education. Investing in education is a transformation, not only for us but for our future generations to come,” emphasised Prime Minister Marape.

He also extended his appreciation to the Lilo Education Board and local community leaders for their commendable efforts.

Further support came from Kairuku MP Hon. Peter Isoaimo who pledged K100,000; Moresby Northwest MP Hon. Lohia Boe Samuel who committed K50,000; and Works and Highways Minister Hon. Solan Mirisim who pledged to provide school uniforms for all students and teachers.

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