Prime Minister James Marape Meets Indonesian President Elect Prabowo Subianto

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape met Indonesian President Elect H.E. Prabowo Subianto during the 3rd PNG-Indonesia Annual Leaders’ Dialogue on Monday, July 15, 2024.

President Elect Subianto will be inaugurated in October, taking over from President Joko Widodo.

“On Monday, after meeting President Widodo, I also met President Elect Subianto,” Prime Minister Marape said.

“Our conversation was warm and cordial, with President Elect Subianto acknowledging the stepping up of relations between Indonesia and PNG, especially renewed focus on trade between our two countries.

“He made a commitment to progress a previous commitment for Indonesia to take in students from PNG.

“President Elect Subianto also made a commitment to look into alleged breaches of human rights in the two Papuan provinces, stressing he would be working for peace and reconciliation, and would continue the good work done by President Widodo.

“I emphasised the importance of society, culture, and land rights – which are intrinsic Melanesian values.

“Papua New Guinea respects Indonesia’s sovereignty and welcomes its commitment to welcome those who have laid down arms without fear of retribution.

“President Elect Subianto asked me to convey to the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) that development would continue in the two Papua provinces.

“We also agreed to step up on commerce and trade between our two countries after the signing of MOUs during the Leaders’ Dialogue.

“Indonesia is the 16th biggest economy in the world with a population of over 275 million, and represents a huge potential market for PNG products.

“President Elect Subianto gave an undertaking that he would visit PNG at the very earliest.”