Prime Minister Marape Commends Government Payroll Inclusion For LLG Leaders

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape has lauded the efforts of Provincial and Local Level Government Minister Hon. Soroi Eoe, Secretary Philip Leo, and their department for their work in integrating Local Level Government (LLG) leaders into the Government’s payroll system. This historic move, the first of its kind since 1975, was celebrated in Port Moresby today.

Prime Minister Marape expressed his approval following the successful launch of the initiative by Minister Eoe and Public Service Minister Hon. Joe Sungi.

“This initiative not only strengthens the structure of local governance but also empowers leaders who are directly engaged with the communities they serve, paving the way for more inclusive and effective governance in Papua New Guinea,” he said.

“Since we took office in 2019, we’ve always realised that we need to recognise our councillors and our LLG vice-presidents and presidents, who are the government closest to our people.”

The Prime Minister emphasised the significance of acknowledging local leaders, particularly in a country as culturally and linguistically diverse as Papua New Guinea, which boasts over 800 distinct languages and cultures across its 6,899 wards.

“This is one of my most-satisfying policy deliveries, as when we took office in 2019, we promised to deliver this and have now done so,” Prime Minister Marape remarked, highlighting the fulfillment of a key promise made by his administration.

“With the inclusion of councillors and vice-presidents in the Alesco payroll system, they will now receive basic remunerations every fortnight, acknowledging their vital role in the governance and development at the grassroots level.”

Prime Minister Marape urged the newly remunerated councillors and vice-presidents to diligently fulfill their responsibilities and called upon provincial governments to support their local leaders effectively.

“This support is crucial as it fills the leadership vacuum at the grassroots level and ensures the effective delivery of services and governance,” he said.

“Inclusion of LLG leaders in the Government payroll is timely as Papua New Guinea approaches its 50th anniversary of independence in 2025.”

The Prime Minister reassured the nation of the Government’s full support for the LLG elections in September 2024.

“I encourage our citizens to elect representatives who will serve their communities well, reinforcing the importance of good governance and leadership at all levels of society,” he said.