Prime Minister Marape Commends New Porgera Ltd for Continued Success Amid Operational Challenges

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape today commended New Porgera Ltd (NPL) for remaining on track with production at Porgera Gold Mine, despite the operational challenges presented by the recent Mulitaka landslide.

He made this statement while welcoming the announcement that Porgera Gold Mine has met or exceeded its targets since resuming mining in December last year, with gold production for the first half of the year above guidance and all-in sustaining costs trending lower.

Prime Minister Marape also highlighted his privilege of meeting Barrick President and CEO, Mark Bristow, who was in the country to review NPL’s second-quarter results, alongside Enga Governor Hon. Sir Peter Ipatas and Provincial Administrator Sandis Tsaka.

“I commend New Porgera Ltd, and especially operator Barrick, for the work it has done since mine resumption last December,” Prime Minister Marape said.

“I am happy that the mine is near almost 100 percent production now after overcoming so many obstacles.

“New Porgera Ltd is a good model for Papua New Guinea’s partnership with overseas investors on large projects like Porgera.

“We look forward to ramping up security at the mine and improving road access, in partnership with New Porgera Ltd.

“I appeal to people living along the road to Porgera, and around the mine, to give their support as they now enjoy better benefits than the Old Porgera.”

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