Prime Minister Marape to Deliver Keynote Address at Indonesia Sustainability Forum

Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Hon. James Marape has received an esteemed invitation from Indonesia President H.E. Joko Widodo to serve as a keynote speaker at an upcoming prestigious meeting in Jakarta. The Prime Minister’s participation underscores the strengthening bilateral relations between Papua New Guinea and Indonesia.

 The invitation was formally extended to Prime Minister Marape in Port Moresby on Wednesday, August 16, 2023. Indonesian Ambassador to Papua New Guinea H.E. Andriana Supandy personally conveyed the invitation, highlighting the continued efforts to foster collaboration and mutual understanding between the two nations.

Prime Minister Marape has enthusiastically accepted the invitation to address the Indonesia Sustainability Forum, scheduled to take place in Jakarta on September 7. The forum will bring together key figures from the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), including leaders from Singapore and Malaysia, alongside representatives from various chambers of commerce and industry.

 Acknowledging the significance of the invitation, Prime Minister Marape remarked, “As an associate member of ASEAN, Papua New Guinea is deeply honored by this opportunity to address such an esteemed gathering upon President Widodo’s invitation. This gesture demonstrates Indonesia’s commitment to nurturing our bilateral relations and mutual interests.”

 The forthcoming Indonesia Sustainability Forum presents an invaluable platform for Prime Minister Marape to share insights and perspectives on sustainable development, regional cooperation, and the expansion of mutually beneficial economic ties. His presence as a keynote speaker will further elevate the discourse, reflecting the commitment of both nations to fostering lasting partnerships and shared prosperity.