Prime Minister Marape Welcomes Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi to Papua New Guinea

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape expressed a warm welcome to Chinese Foreign Minister, H.E Wang Yi, who begins his official visit to Papua New Guinea this weekend.

Minister Wang is scheduled to arrive in Port Moresby on Saturday, April 20, 2024, and will meet with Prime Minister Marape the following day, Sunday, April 21, 2024.

Prime Minister Marape stated, “I warmly welcome Minister Wang to Papua New Guinea.

“This marks his third visit to our country.

“I first met him early in my tenure as prime minister.”

He noted that the relationship between China and Papua New Guinea continues to strengthen.

“We maintain our One-China Policy, a cornerstone of the Pangu Pati since 1975, alongside our Friends to All, Enemies to None Policy,” Prime Minister Marape affirmed.

“We do not intend to compromise our relationship with China, or with any other country, for that matter.”

The Prime Minister recounted several meetings with Chinese President H.E. Xi Jinping since taking office, which have significantly enhanced bilateral relations.

“For instance, following my visit to China last year, we initiated weekly flights between Guangzhou and Port Moresby. We are also opening a Trade Office in Guangdong Province,” he said.

“By June this year, we aim to complete a joint feasibility study on free trade between our two countries. Papua New Guinea has also joined the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

“I am particularly pleased that Papua New Guinea can now directly export agricultural produce to China, a milestone that is close to my heart. I extend my gratitude to the Chinese leadership for making this possible.”

Prime Minister Marape highlighted ongoing efforts towards establishing reciprocal visa arrangements and using the Chinese currency in trade between China and PNG.

“We are also benefiting from various development programmes run with Chinese assistance,” he said.

“The visit of the Chinese Foreign Minister further strengthens our relationship and solidifies our ongoing partnerships.”