Outgoing UN Resident Coordinator Pays Farewell Call on Prime Minister Marape

Today, His Excellency Dirk Wagener, the outgoing United Nations Resident Representative, paid a farewell call on Prime Minister Hon. James Marape at his office in Sir Manasupe Haus, Port Moresby.

During the meeting, Prime Minister Marape expressed his gratitude to Mr. Wagener for his time in Papua New Guinea and urged him to continue advocating for PNG and the Pacific region in his new role as the UN Resident Coordinator for Fiji, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu.

Furthermore, Prime Minister Marape informed Mr. Wagener about PNG’s offer to provide assistance in reclaiming the vanishing shorelines of other smaller island states affected by climate change.

He emphasised that PNG is ready to support these efforts and hopes that the UN Family can assist the smaller island states by providing climate funds, technology, and engineering expertise for conducting comprehensive feasibility studies on land reclamation.

The Prime Minister also extended an invitation to Mr. Wagener to consider visiting PNG again in the coming years to witness firsthand the country’s progress and the impact of his contributions in advocating for anti-corruption measures, addressing climate change, conserving biodiversity, and combating gender-based violence.

Expressing his gratitude, Mr. Wagener thanked Prime Minister Marape, the people, and the Government of PNG for their collaboration with the UN Family in the country.

Wagener noted that the partnership demonstrated in PNG is unlike any he has experienced in his various roles worldwide and that the collective work has provided him with valuable experiences that will enhance his performance in his new position.

He particularly highlighted the privilege of serving as a mediator in the Bougainville Peace Process and the Referendum.

Wagener will conclude his assignment at the end of this month, and his successor is expected to arrive in PNG in August.