Prime Minister Hon. James Marape has urged Central Province Governor Hon. Rufina Peter and her provincial administration to unleash the enormous untapped eco- nomic potential of Central Province.

The Prime Minister particularly stressed the unique tourism potential of the province, given its proximity to the nation’s capital, and the opportunity this offers in revenue generation for the province.

“Central Province’s culture and natural environment is ideal for tourism, great attractions visitors from Papua New Guinea, Australia and other neighboring countries would want to see,” said Prime Minister Marape.

Prime Minister Marape also highlighted the rich agriculture potential that Central has across its five districts and 16 LLG areas.

“You have enormous potential in the agriculture sector right across your province. And you can supply and feed Port Moresby with your food.”

PM Marape also brought up the construction of the Central provincial hospital, urging Governor Peter to prioritise it so the National Government could come in to support its construction. He also mentioned the Edevu Power supply project; the reopening of Tolukuma mine; and the Central/NCD boundaries clarity for better GST management.

Despite you being in the Opposition, my government prioritises service delivery for the people; not our politics. We will support Central and get you funding,” he said.

The Prime Minister made these remarks while receiving the K405 million 2024  Central  Provincial  Government  Budget  this  afternoon  at  Sir Manasupe House.

The budget was presented by Governor Peter who was joined by her new Acting Provincial Administrator Edward Kila and senior members of the administration.

With a total budget figure of K405,672,688, Infrastructure, Education, Economic,  and  Law  &  Justice  take  up  the  priority  areas  for  the province. Internal Revenue stands at K43.68 million.

Governor Rufina Peter acknowledged Prime Minister Marape for affirming National Government support to assist Central Province in the budget implementation, with some projects already off the ground.