Prime Minister Hon. James Marape Commends Citizens for Exceptional Independence Day Celebrations

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape extends his heartfelt commendation to the people of Papua New Guinea for their outstanding participation in Independence Day celebrations, which took place on Saturday, September 16, 2023. Across urban areas and rural stations throughout the nation, Papua New Guineans showed up in large numbers to mark this significant occasion.

Reflecting on the nationwide festivities, Prime Minister Marape remarked, “From the reports we have received, the Independence Day celebrations were excellent in every corner of our beautiful country. The energy and enthusiasm displayed by our citizens were remarkable, representing the culmination of a week-long celebration.”

He continued, “I want to commend every Papua New Guinean for their unwavering support over the last 48 years. We have encountered numerous challenges, but the future holds great promise. Yesterday, we stood united as one people, one nation, and one country, from Bougainville to the Western regions. I express my sincere gratitude to every citizen for their incredible turnout, their zeal, patience, and profound love for our nation.”

Prime Minister Marape explained that, out of respect for the Sabbath, he chose not to address the Flag Raising Ceremony at Independence Hill. He shared, “Yesterday, I placed God first on behalf of our country. Instead of being at Independence Hill, I dedicated my time to meditation and prayer as a Sabbath keeper, honoring God as our creator. My devotion to my country remains unwavering. I stand firm in my convictions to both God and the people of Papua New Guinea.”

Furthermore, Prime Minister Marape expressed his gratitude to all Papua New Guineans who attended church services yesterday and today to pray for the country. He urged unity and said, “As we approach our 49th anniversary next year and look ahead to our 50th anniversary in 2025, let us continue to stand united for the betterment of our nation. Together, we can bring about positive change.”

Looking toward the milestone of Papua New Guinea’s 50th anniversary, Prime Minister Marape pledged his unwavering commitment to the nation’s progress. He stated, “I want to assure the country that your Government is hard at work as we journey toward our 50th anniversary. We remain steadfast and focused on our commitment to our people.”