Prime Minister Hon. James Marape Commends Progress on GurneyAirport Project in Alotau

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape on Friday, May 10, 2024, lauded the National Airports Corporation (NAC) and the Civil Aviation Development Investment Project (CADIP) for their significant role in constructing the new K76.8 million Gurney Airport in Alotau, Milne Bay Province. He expressed his commendations during the groundbreaking ceremony held in Alotau, highlighting the initiative as a crucial component of the Government’s Connect PNG initiative.

In partnership with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the upgrade of provincial airport terminals under CADIP represents a strategic element in the nation’s infrastructure development aimed at bolstering economic growth and tourism. Since its initiation in 2010 with CADIP1, the project has facilitated the enhancement of numerous airports across the country, accumulating investments totaling up to K1.6 billion.

The project, expected to complete within 26 months, aims to enhance travel time, cargo and passenger handling services, and overall facilities for travellers. This initiative not only supports improved operational efficiencies but also fosters economic growth and tourism development throughout the region.

Prime Minister Marape extended his gratitude to the ADB for their enduring support and underscored the importance of infrastructure in improving the livelihoods of Papua New Guineans. “Upgrading airport terminals, enhancing safety and security, and generating job opportunities are pivotal for the holistic development of the region,” stated Prime Minister Marape.

He also remarked on the promising prospects for tourism in Milne Bay and encouraged local leaders to prioritise this sector. The collaboration among the National Airports Corporation, various investors, and the ADB exemplifies a unified commitment to advancing transportation and connectivity within Papua New Guinea.

Alotau’s Gurney Airport proudly stands as the first recipient under the second phase of CADIP, denoted as CADIP 2.

“The diligent efforts by our investors compel us to rise to the occasion, ensuring we match their commitment to delivering 21st-century infrastructure,” added Prime Minister Marape.