Prime Minister Hon. James Marape Welcomes US$66 Million ‘Improved Technical and Vocational Education (TVET) for Employment’ Project

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape, a steadfast advocate for Technical and Vocational Education (TVET) since his tenure as Education Minister, has declared the Government’s unwavering commitment to the US$66 million (K228.89 million) ‘Improved Technical and Vocational Education for Employment’ project through the Department of Higher Education Research Science and Technology (DHERST).

Prime Minister Marape made this announcement following an extensive meeting with Higher Education Research Science and Technology Minister Hon. Don Polye and Acting-Secretary Prof Fr Jan Czuba on Thursday, January 4, 2023.

The ‘Improved TVET for Employment’ project is designed to achieve several key objectives:

•             Strengthen governance and management structures within TVET colleges.

•             Facilitate high-quality TVET teacher training programmes.

•             Develop demand-driven curriculum for TVET programmes.

•             Establish gender-responsive TVET infrastructure and enhance equipment.

•             Foster the development of National TVET governance and industry linkages.

This initiative, co-funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), is focused on 10 technical colleges. The programme aims to fortify the fundamentals of selected TVET colleges, with a strategic focus on construction and agriculture, serving as entry points to nurture and model TVET Centers of Excellence. These centers can later be replicated within clusters and corridors of secondary technical schools, as well as with other TVET colleges.

The governments of Australia, People’s Republic of China, Japan, and the European Union have played pivotal roles in advancing this critical sector.

“The Improved TVET for Employment project is set to receive co-financing from the ADB, the Government of Australia, and the Government of Papua New Guinea (GoPNG),” stated Prime Minister Marape.

“The ADB will provide a concessional loan of US$50 million (K171.89 million), the Government of Australia will contribute a grant of US$10 million (K34.38 million), and the Government of PNG will offer counterpart funding support of US$6 million (K20.63 million).

“These collective resources will be instrumental in the comprehensive upgrade and modernisation of the 10 technical colleges.

“This transformative project encompasses 10 esteemed technical colleges, including the University of Goroka, focusing specifically on TVET teacher training.

“The technical colleges involved are Port Moresby Technical College, Mt. Hagen Technical College, Goroka Technical College, Madang Technical College, Lae Polytechnic Institute, Simbu Don Bosco Technical Institute, West New Britain Technical College, Bougainville Technical College, Kiunga TVET Center, and Highlands Agriculture College.”