Prime Minister James Marape Holds Productive Meeting with Telstra Leadership

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape convened a significant meeting today at his Office in Port Moresby with Telstra Group Chief Executive Officer, Vicki Brady, and Telstra International Chief Executive Officer, Roary Stacko. The meeting was also attended by the Senior Vice President of Digicel PNG Limited, Lorna Macpherson.

During the meeting, Ms. Brady expressed her satisfaction with the current Telstra services in Papua New Guinea, highlighting the successful integration of Digicel PNG Limited into the Telstra Agreement. She proudly shared that Telstra has erected 115 towers nationwide and is on track to provide improved services to rural areas by March 2024.

Furthermore, Ms. Brady announced Telstra’s successful rollout of 4G services and projected an increase in coverage from the initial 20 per cent to 72 percent within the next 18 months.

In response, Prime Minister Marape commended Telstra’s commitment to investing in the Telecommunication Sector in PNG, emphasising Telstra’s confidence in the country’s telecommunications market. He also highlighted the substantial growth in online businesses, trade, government activities, and social transactions in PNG since Telstra’s entry into the market in 2007.

Ms. Brady expressed Telstra’s dedication to bridging the digital divide by providing connectivity to both regional and rural communities, emphasising the positive economic and social impacts of enhanced connectivity.

Prime Minister Marape praised Digicel PNG for its significant contributions to PNG communities since its establishment in 2007. He underscored the importance of the Telstra Agreement in PNG’s transition towards a digitalised economy, enhancing government services and the overall economy.

Additionally, Prime Minister Marape acknowledged that PNG represents Telstra’s most substantial market in the Pacific and expressed eagerness for Telstra’s continued presence in the country.

In conclusion, Prime Minister Marape recognised Telstra’s sponsorship of the National Rugby League (NRL) Competition in Australia and sought Telstra’s support for PNG’s bid to field the 18th team in the Australian NRL.